How To Spot A Fake Security Camera: Top Full Instruction 2022

How To Spot A Fake Security Camera Top Full Instruction 2022

If you’re looking to improve the security of your home or business, you may be considering adding security cameras. But with so many options on the market, it can be hard to know which ones are the real deal.

In this article, we’ll show you how to spot a fake security camera, so you can make sure you’re getting the best possible protection.

Why Would Someone Install A Fake Security Camera In The First Place?

Why would somebody install a phony camera in the first place (we also offer reviews of high-quality cameras)?

These are some of the conceivable motivations for someone to deploy phony cameras.

1. To save money

They didn’t want to invest money in a security camera. Thus that was the main reason. So they’ll buy a dummy camera instead because it’ll be less expensive.

2. Play pranks on guests and burglars

Security cameras that are dummy or phony are used to deceive people into believing they are real. Most people acquire dummy or phony cameras, considering it is a security measure to trick visitors into thinking they are being watched.

Why Would Someone Install A Fake Security Camera In The First Place

3. Raising Security Awareness

Another reason individuals buy fake cameras is to blend them with actual cameras to give the appearance of a more robust home security presence.

While this may work for some, skilled burglars can still detect the difference between the real and the phony. They should not be entirely trusted since they are utilized to provide a false sense of security.

Tips on How to Spot a Fake Security Camera

1. Lights

A security camera with flickering lights likely is a fake, especially if they’re visible. This is because these lights are intended to draw attention. They serve no purpose other than to attract attention in the hopes of deterring any potential trespasser.

Genuine units don’t feature blinking lights because they’re useless for capturing or processing security feeds.

Infrared technology is used in these units. The cameras can now record at night thanks to this technology. As a result, you’ll detect a slight glow when you get close to an actual unit.

The majority of phony security cameras attempt to imitate this radiance. They always overshoot, unfortunately. This frequently results in highly brilliant lights inside these cameras. As a result, if the camera you’re looking at contains strong lights, it’s probably a fake.

2. Cords

The cords that the camera utilizes are usually the first easy giveaway.

The cords on genuine cameras are somewhat thick. Because they transfer data and power to the camera system, these cables are thick. And in most cases, a single wire serves both functions for a specific camera system.

As a result, if you see a camera with highly tiny cables, it’s probably a fake. This is because false security cameras are engineered to be less expensive. They employ thinner wires since they are less expensive.

These cables also don’t need to do anything because they don’t do anything. As a result, they’re a little slimmer.

Fake security cameras also have an excessive number of cords. It’s usually a fake if it contains more than two cords. And, because older security cameras typically have two cables, any security camera with more than two cables that appear to be newer is most likely a fake.

Tips on How to Spot a Fake Security Camera

3. Motion of swiveling

Some false cameras are intended to swivel to provide the appearance of motion tracking. They do it regularly. They also do it at random times. If the camera swivels, it’s probably a fake in any event.

This is because cameras with built-in motion tracking capability employ specialized sensors to track movement, but they do not swivel.

This isn’t to say that there aren’t any real swivel cams. These cameras do exist, but they are usually quite pricey due to the cost of making the swiveling motion. As a result, if the camera appears to be reasonably priced and swivels, it is most certainly a forgery.

4. Wi-Fi lookup

It is simple to identify whether a wireless security camera is authentic or false while looking at it. To do so, get close to the camera and turn on the Wi-Fi feature on your phone. Examine the Wi-Fi signals detected by your phone. Your phone should be able to detect the camera’s signal if it’s authentic. However, if it is a fake, it will not appear as a Wi-Fi device.

5. Reputation management

Brand names are prominently featured on genuine security cameras. This is because the firms who make them are proud of their products, and this is a simple method for them to sell themselves.

If there is no prominent branding on a security camera system, it is likely a fake. They’re probably attempting to conceal their identity. This is something that legitimate security camera manufacturers do not do.

There are also a few well-known brands that specialize in the production of cameras. It will make your job easier if you learn about them, their logos, and their appropriate markings. Even if they display a brand name you are unfamiliar with, a quick Google search will reveal if they are genuine or not.

This is arguably the most reliable way to spot a phony security camera. The only thing to remember is that some phony security camera manufacturers try to fool you by utilizing misspellings of well-known brand names or slightly altered logos or insignia.

6. There is no automatic night vision available

Indoor/Outdoor Solar-Powered Fake Security Camera, Bullet Dummy Surveillance System with Realistic Red Flashing Lights and Warning Sticker (4, black)

This capability is available on some low-cost counterfeit security cameras, which detect and record motion even when the lights are turned out. On the other hand, real cameras do not have this feature, and to turn them on at night, you must manually activate the motion-detecting technology with remote control.

how can you tell if a security camera is fake

Infrared lights are another technique to spot a bogus security camera.

Thanks to infrared light, cameras can take photographs at night, even when there is no electricity.

Night vision is a feature found only in professional cameras.

A security camera with night vision can catch a picture of persons in motion when it is dark outside due to the low amount of light at night.

Unfortunately, because the images are too grainy and lack resolution, phony camera dealers cannot make their inexpensive copycat security cameras work at night.

If your security camera doesn’t have that infrared light, it’s most likely a bogus security camera.

Looking closely at night, you may readily see if a camera contains infrared light. If you notice any tiny red lights on the face of your security camera at night, it’s time to call the police.

A camera’s appearance and design can help identify its genuineness. In general, the more traditional a camera appears, the more authentic it is.

 7. Buttons

Another trait identifying a real camera from a fake is that the buttons are not dispersed across the device. Or what exactly does that imply? All of the buttons on a real camera are positioned on the camera’s face.

While it is possible to discover a fake security camera with various techniques for setting things up, this is only a hint that it is a fake security camera.

how to spot fake security cameras

8. Power supply

Household DC powers the majority of genuine cameras. They are powered by the building’s main electrical socket, whereas AA batteries power most phony cameras. Here are some things to think about.

Rechargeable batteries power some phony security cameras. You should be cautious if you see a camera with a rechargeable battery.

This is because most real security cameras do not have rechargeable batteries.

Because a false camera’s recharging feature cannot create the same amount of electricity as a real camera, it is frequently ineffective. The power supply used to power the built-in CCD/CMOS sensor is another sign of a false security camera.

Apps For Camera Detection: How To Spot A Fake Security Camera?

A false camera can also be identified via the Google Play Store. This is because it has various programs designed to assist you in detecting security cameras near you and determining whether or not they are operational.

Download and install the app to determine whether a security camera is real. Start it up and use it to look for security cameras in your area. If the camera does not appear, it is most likely a forgery.

Apps For Camera Detection How To Spot A Fake Security Camera

Build quality

Although it is not a surefire strategy, analyzing the build quality of a real and a fake camera can help you distinguish between the two. Regardless of how inexpensive a real camera is, the producers always go to great lengths to guarantee that it is constructed with relatively high-quality materials.

Even those made of plastic are usually constructed of high-quality materials. On the other hand, Fake cameras frequently employ low-cost plastic because their primary purpose during production is to keep costs as low as possible. As a result, poor construction quality is a dead giveaway.

This method, however, has a drawback in that you must be close enough to the camera to determine whether it is of poor build quality. While it may work for security cameras installed on front doors, it may not be as successful for cameras installed in difficult-to-reach locations.

Things To Look Out For:

A dummy or false security camera should resemble actual security cameras in terms of design, activity, installation location, and branding.

Choose an Outdoor Waterproof Fake /dummy Security Camera with Blinking Light if you want the best fake security cameras that match the specifications above.

This dummy camera looks just like a real camera with its ideal size, shape, and design. It also acts like a traditional security camera, flashing red lights to draw attention and spinning when activity is detected.

So, suppose you want to raise your security awareness or deceive robbers into believing you have security cameras placed in your home. In that case, the Outdoor Waterproof Fake /dummy Security Camera with Blinking Light is the most acceptable option.

The most excellent technique to provide the appearance of activity with your security cameras is to position them in a rotating position. This gives the idea that they are always on the lookout for something out of the ordinary, making you feel safer.

You can also utilize false cameras by positioning them closer to possible targets and turning them off when not in use.

What are the Different Types of Fake Security Cameras Available?

The majority of phony security cameras are dome or bullet-shaped. These are the most prevalent and most accessible counterfeit at large merchants.

Because they use tough-to-copy manufacturing and shape, wireless security cameras are the most difficult to imitate.

Here are a few examples of phony security cameras:

Fake Security Cameras Wal-Mart Sells

Wal-Mart sells some reasonably priced, realistic-looking phony security cameras. The indoor/outdoor bullet security camera is the most popular. There is no brand name on it, and the only thing written on the side is CCD Camera.

The lack of infrared lights and the brightness of the LED lights indicate that this camera is a fake. A warning light is present. However, it is not activated by anything and will flash at random times.

They also sell phony security dome cameras. It’s a two-piece system that’s highly reflective, and the red flashing light doesn’t correspond to what real dome cameras do. You’ll note that the red blinking light is incredibly noticeable, especially at night.

What are the Different Types of Fake Security Cameras Available

Dummy Arlo Camera Models

These are intended to protect and deter people from causing damage to natural Arlo systems (which are costly). They appear to be highly identical, but the color is off, and they have a plastic appearance.

Another dead giveaway is the same CCD Camera lettering on the side.

The cable disappears inside the wall mount so that you won’t see it.

How to Make a Homemade Fake Security Camera

Here’s how to make a homemade faux security camera out of cardboard. What you’ll need is the following:

  • Long cardboard tubing and cardboard
  • Paint in black and grey
  • Gun made of silicon
  • Adhesive gun
  • Regulator (30cm minimum)
  • Some haphazard cabling
  • Tape for masking

How to Make a Homemade Fake Security Camera

To make the fake camera, follow these steps:

  • Using the cardboard, cut four 24-inch rectangles.
  • Cut the cardboard into two 22-inch squares.
  • Assemble them into a rectangle box with the hot glue gun (wipe away excess glue on the outside)
  • Cut a 2″ piece from the cardboard tube and glue it to the camera box’s front.
  • Glue a 2-4″ piece of cardboard tubing (for the wall stand) to the top of the camera at an angle (similar to most bullet security cameras)
  • To build a box around the tube (wall stand), glue four uniformly cut cardboard strips to it.
  • Cover all of the camera box’s seams and edges with cement.

Allow the plaster to cure before proceeding to the next step:

  • Sand the plastering to make it smooth and equal.
  • Masking tape should be used to cover any leftover seams or breaks.
  • Grey or greenish-grey should be used for the main camera box.
  • Paint the lens black and stand in the dark.
  • Allow the paint to dry before adding your finishing touches.
  • Connect the camera box to the wall mount with the cable.
  • You’ve completed the task! Now you may hang it on the wall and appreciate your work.

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When looking to buy a security camera, it’s important to be aware of the signs that it may be fake. By following these tips, you can be sure you’re getting the best possible protection for your home or business.

So keep these tips in mind when shopping for a security camera, and you’ll be sure to get the best value for your money.

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