Where Do I Register My Drone: Top Full Instructions 2022

Where Do I Register My Drone Top Full Instructions 2022

If you’re among the many people who got a new drone, you might wonder where do I register my drone

The process of registering a drone with the FAA is simple and easy to do. You need to know a few things before you register, such as the type of drone you have and its weight. You will also need to provide your contact information and create a username and password.

Here’s what you need to know.

A Brand New Industry

Not only has it been difficult to control the drone industry, but it has been much more challenging to track down offenders. The FAA hopes to prevent non-compliant drone flights by identifying the pilot’s remote aircraft. However, registration is straightforward. The following are some essential facts:

Registration is available for only $5.

You must be at least 13 years old; otherwise, a parent or legal guardian must register on your behalf.

If your drone weighs 55 pounds or more, you will need to complete a different registration procedure, which will be discussed below.

There is only one webpage where registration is possible.

The final bullet point is significant. Due to the nascent nature of the market, there has been an abundance of disinformation and fraudsters building websites that claim to register you for a fee of $50.

How to Register Your Drone Correctly with the FAA

How to Register Your Drone Correctly with the FAA

The FAA offers two registration options, commonly characterized by the drone’s weight.

Registering Online

There is only one website where you may register your drone officially, and it can be located at https://faadronezone.faa.gov/. The website registration option supports drones weighing up to 55 pounds. This will be the bulk of individuals, and you will require the following:

  • Your email address, which also serves as your username
  • A credit or debit card is required for a $5 payment.
  • A street and postal address (If different from physical)
  • manufacturer and model information for your drone

The registration fee is $5 per aircraft and is valid for three years.

How to Register Your Drone Correctly with the FAA

Registrations via Mail for Drones Over 55 pounds (Paper N-number process)

To register a drone weighing more than 55 pounds, you must ship the proper documentation to the FAA’s Aircraft Registration Branch. The FAA Aircraft Registry webpage contains additional information on how to register a drone weighing over 55 pounds under 14 CFR Part 47.

Other instances where the N-number registration procedure would be required include:

  • Those who wish to operate a tiny unmanned aircraft outside the United States must qualify for the aircraft.
  • You hold aircraft title in trust.
  • A small unmanned aircraft owner uses a voting trust to satisfy U.S. citizenship requirements.

Flying drones weighing more than 55 pounds indicates operations larger than a hobbyist or consumer-grade images. Heavy drones are often quite expensive and carry equipment for industry-specific operations.

By the time pilots reach this category, they will be familiar with the drone registration process. Still, if you wish to upgrade your rig, you should familiarize yourself with the requirements as a beginner.

Where Do I Register My Drone

What Happens After You Register?

You will create a profile containing your full name, physical/mailing address, and registration type throughout the registration process (hobbyist or commercial). Additionally, you will consent to the FAA’s Safety Guidelines, which are crucial to comprehend before flying.

The FAA will issue you a unique 10-digit registration number upon completion of your registration. The FAA amended the Drone-ID Marking Rule on February 25, 2019, requiring owners of small unmanned aircraft to display the unique identifier the FAA provided on the aircraft’s exterior surface.

What Happens After You Register

To do this, utilize a label maker or durable tape to ensure that the registration number may be displayed in the field if an authorized figure requests identification. You will most likely be captured if you fly your drone in restricted airspace or over private property. Knowing the rules will assist you in avoiding tickets and fines.

We also recommend printing the certificate confirming your registration for use in the field as additional evidence. Here is a comprehensive list of items you should carry with you if authorities stop you for a ramp check.

If you want to fly a drone, maybe you need to know this: How To Notify Airport Of Drone Flight

Part 107 Certification Extends Beyond Registration

The law requires registering your drone, but doing so does not grant you any additional benefits. As a hobbyist pilot, many restrictions can only be lifted by obtaining FAA certification.

If you purchased a drone for any monetary transaction, you would fall under the commercial category and be subject to fines if found flying without the required certification. In addition, some of the best photographs you can get with a drone will be in locations that require an airspace authorization or waiver, which are only available to FAA-certified drone pilots.

Recreational Drone Operations and Commercial Flights

We are frequently asked, If my recreational drone is registered, can I undertake commercial operations? According to the Part 107 laws, any commercial drone must be registered as a commercial drone.

If the drone is registered for recreational use, it must be registered as commercial before it can be flown lawfully for commerce, work, etc.

Recreational Drone Operations and Commercial Flights

Easy commercial registration is available for $5 and is valid for three years. Have the drone’s manufacturer, model, and serial number on hand, since you will need to enter this information.

Another frequently asked topic is, Should a company-owned drone be registered to an individual or the company?

The person whose name appears on the register does not need a remote pilot license, but the person operating the drone must always have proof of registration.

Registration can be accomplished in a few different ways.

1) This is the quickest option and costs $5 per drone

You could register the drone online through FAADroneZone under the program administrator or the pilot-in-command. This choice has a disadvantage if this individual shifts to a different position. The drone must be re-registered for commercial use under the new owner’s name.

2) This alternative could take two to three weeks to process, but the price per drone is still $5.

You could conduct a paper registration and register the drone to the business rather than a specific individual.

This second method eliminates the requirement to re-register the drone to a new individual if the original owner changes positions or leaves the organization.

The Aircraft Registration Application, AC Form 8050-1, and a notarized affidavit establishing ownership are required. On the other hand, this may be the superior choice in the long run.

How can I register my drone

What Happens if Your Drone Is Not Registered?

If you fail to register your drone, you may be required to pay a fine of up to $27,500. However, registering your drone is insufficient; you must also be a responsible pilot. You must comprehend all Part 107 laws for drone flight to avoid a fine of up to $250,000 or imprisonment of up to three years.

In reality, a drone pilot who breached multiple infractions of Part 107 paid a $182,000 punishment in December 2020. According to the FAA, during 26 flights, the drone pilot committed 12 violations.

What Happens if Your Drone Is Not Registered

Some offenses include flying at night, flying very close to structures, flying over moving cars and people, and commercially operating a drone without a remote pilot certification.

Registration and compliance with FAA regulations will keep you, your drone, and other bystanders safe. When operating a drone, you must also follow some fundamental guidelines.

The general guidelines include respecting privacy, flying at or below 400 feet, and maintaining visual contact. You are not permitted to fly your drone over crowded stadiums, public events, airports, other aircraft, emergencies, recovery attempts, or while under the influence of narcotics.

Additionally, you must have your FAA registration certificate every time you fly your drone. It is the certificate issued by the FAA upon registration success. Always have it on hand to avoid penalties if questioned. If another individual fly your drone, you must ensure they have the appropriate certification. You may bring either a physical or digital copy. When a law enforcement officer asks, you must also present the certificate copy.

In case you want to travel with your drone, read this guide to prepare: How To Travel With Your Drone

Which Drones Don’t Need to be Registered?

As previously noted, you are not required to register a recreational drone weighing less than 0.55 pounds. However, if uncertain, you can phone the FAA and inquire. Additionally, you can utilize the website’s User Identification Tool.


If you’re still unsure about registering your drone, we recommend visiting the FAA’s website. You can find all the information you need to register your drone and start flying. Don’t wait any longer; start flying safely today.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Staaker.com.

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